Wimbel’s Wayzgoose

What is a Wayzgoose you might ask. During the early days of letterpress printing it was traditional for master printers to reward their workers with a picnic known as a Wayzgoose to celebrate the end of summer and a return to working by candlelight.

Using the famous Albion Press.

Using the famous Albion Press.

So then what has a goose got to do with the printing industry. It seems there a few possible answers. I personally like explanation that it was the bird eaten at harvest time. Wikipedia suggests …. It may be a misspelling for "waysgoose", from wase, Middle English for "sheaf", thus meaning "sheaf" or "harvest goose", a bird eaten at harvest-time.

There was the odd goat but no geese in sight at the 2017 NERAM Wimble’s Wayzgoose.

There was the odd goat but no geese in sight at the 2017 NERAM Wimble’s Wayzgoose.

There was the odd goat but no geese in sight at the 2017 NERAM Wimble’s Wayzgoose. It is not clear why the term survived for so long in printing folklore. Certainly the goose has long ago parted company with the printers' Wayzgoose.

Another point of interest is that it was traditionally held on the 24 August on traditionally what is St Bartholomew’s day. Some bookbinders believe that a Wayzgoose was held on St Bartholomew's Day because he was the patron saint of leather workers. It was no coincidence that on August 24, 1456 the printing of the Gutenberg Bible was completed, perhaps triggering the very first Wayzgoose party at Fust–Schöffer shop in Mainz.

Interesting stuff but what does it mean today. The resurgence of interest in letterpress printing has seen the return of the Wayzgoose. In the USA they now often include the printing of a huge block with the aid of a steamroller. It seems the printer’s picnic has now arrived in Australia, complete with the printing of a large block. In our Wimbel’s Wayzgoose, the steamroller was downgraded to a lawn tennis roller.

The Museum of Printing (in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia) held its first Wimble's Wayzgoose on 28-30 April 2017. It is named after the FT Wimble & Co. Collection which is housed at the museum. The collection was acquired in 1998 and consists of 14 presses, a linotype machine, many cases of metal and wood type and assorted printing memorabilia. There is even a room full of old type writers.

Find out what Clint had to say and all you need to know about Wimbel’s Wayzgoose 2017. Check out the Video produced by Jonathon Larsen below!

Find out what Clint had to say and all you need to know about Wimbel’s Wayzgoose 2017. Check out the Video produced by Jonathon Larsen below!

The long weekend began on Friday afternoon with talks about letterpress, printmaking, design and typography. There was an unveiling of the new Black Gully etching press in the Museum of Printing. Bubbles and biscuits were laid on to celebrate this new acquisition, which had taken many years of talk and fundraising to aquire. On Saturday things got creative with screen printing, artist book making, type-setting and wood engraving workshops. The fun went up a notch on Sunday with live music, paella's, drink stalls, artist talks and the community getting their collective hands dirty with the large print. The prints subject matter was inspired by the life and times of local historical icon, Captain Thunderbolt.

Captain Thunderbolt rides again

Captain Thunderbolt rides again

It proved difficult to get a clear image with out using the obligatory heavy steamroller. The lawn tennis roller had to be replaced by a more hands on approach. There was an attempt to get a result by dancing on the back of the paper. Rubbing the back of the paper with old spoons proved to render the best result. It is an old but reliable relief printmaking technique. 

Lets hope the 2017 Wimble’s Wayzgoose is the first of many future annual events to come.

Check out what it was all about on the video below.


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